4 Februari verzorgt docente Liesbeth Briers een online workshop voor de Europese Yogaunie van 10u30 tot 12u over Nyaya-Vaisheshika en dit is gratis. Wil je je hiervoor aanmelden klik dan op onderstaande link, vul het formulier in en je krijgt automatisch een mail met de Zoomlink.
Setting Yoga Teacher Training standards in Europe and safeguarding the standards of Yoga teaching in Europe.
The reference for the promotion and transmission of the essence of yoga and its teaching traditions. The EUY is the most experienced professional yoga association in Europe. Our organisation represents yoga associations, federations and organisations from all over Europe. The EUY ensures that its members benefit from high quality teacher training, collaborates on yoga projects and provides guidelines on the practice, training and teaching of yoga in a holistic and safe way.